Ripple Effect Mini-Grants

Projects Funded

Dollars Given

Communities Impacted

The Boardman Clean Sweep

Equipment purchased for a Torch River clean-up day

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Antrim Conservation District

Rain garden installation at Ellsworth Community School

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The Au Sable Institute

Greenhouse Installation

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Click Here to see all completed projects

Contact us directly if you would like more information. Email or call 231-4982080

Paddle Antrim Ripple Effect Mini Grant Program

Paddle Antrim’s Ripple Effect mini-grant program is funded from a portion of income earned through classes and events to support other community groups whose values, goals and desired impacts align with ours. The total amount of the grants we award will vary from year to year. We award $1,000 – $3,000 each Fall. Our Board will use its discretion to make modest and meaningful gifts generally between $200 – $2,000. Each application will be evaluated on its merit and prudent use of funds.

Eligible applicants for Ripple Effect grants include:

  • Units of government within the Chain of Lakes Watershed area and adjacent watersheds which impact Antrim County
  • Michigan-based non-profit groups who serve the Chain of Lakes Watershed and adjacent watersheds which impact Antrim County

Examples of projects we might consider funding include:

  • Stream bank or road-stream crossing restoration work
  • Aquatic invasive species management efforts
  • Land acquisition costs and/or construction projects that improve launch sites or launch site amenities for paddlers, such as restroom facilities, kayak storage racks, changing areas, picnic areas, drinking water access, directional signage that help to link launch areas to main streets and community services, etc.
  • Educational workshops, programs, or communication and outreach initiatives that reach target audiences whose individual and collective choices and decisions will impact water quality in the Chain of Lakes

Ineligible activities:

  • Support for a political candidate or party
  • Advocacy work
  • Work that has already been completed

Application and Award Process

Applicants must complete a Grant Application Form.

If you have questions about the Grant Application email Paddle Antrim at  All grants must be for a single project or program. Repeat requests will be considered on their individual merits. Decisions will be made by the Paddle Antrim Board. 

  • Grant Application Deadline
    • November 1, 2024 at 5 pm


The Paddle Antrim Board of Directors will review Ripple Effect grant applications. A notification letter will be sent to all successful applicants within 60 days of the grant application deadline. Any requested changes in the project after funding is awarded must be addressed and approved by the Paddle Antrim Executive Director. 

Payment Process 

All grantees that receive an award must complete Paddle Antrim’s “Financial and Final Report Form”. Awardees must also submit a resolution of support from their governing body with the Final Report.” Noncompliance with the terms of payment process and grant will render grantee ineligible to receive funds and ineligible for future Paddle Antrim Ripple Effect grants. All requests for funds must be submitted no later than one month after the project has been completed. Grant funds must be used within twelve months after the grant is awarded. Any publicity for grant events or projects should include mention of Paddle Antrim per the communication conditions provided in the grant award letter. 


Ripple Effect Mini-Grant Application

Ripple Effect Mini-Grant Financial and Final Report Form


Together we are making a difference

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