MI Paddle Stewards

Become a MI Paddle Steward

MI Paddle Stewards Logo

MI Paddle Stewards are volunteers who assist local water trails with identifying and reporting Aquatic Invasive Species. Paddle Antrim is pleased to be a part of this program, working with partner organizations and local paddlers to help protect Northern Michigan waters, including the Chain of Lakes Water Trail. Participants will learn about important invasive species, how to properly clean a watercraft, and how to report invasive species. Paddlers will learn to use the MISIN (Midwest Invasive Species Information Network) app, a reporting tool used by Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources and others to locate invasive species of concern. We are pleased to offer in person classes this year as well as a link to a free online class through Michigan State University Extension.  A previously recorded classroom is also available for viewing below thanks to our friends at CAKE-CISMA.

Join local conservation professionals in Northwest Michigan to learn how you can contribute to our work while you are out paddling and playing on the water! You will learn how to identify and report invasive species while preventing their spread. We are thrilled to partner with CAKE CISMA on these trainings. All classes will include off-water and on-water instruction.


  • Participants must bring a kayak/canoe/paddle board for the on-water events.
  • Paddlers must always wear life jackets out on the water.
  • All paddlers must complete a paddling class waiver prior to participation. Waivers can be viewed and signed digitally here.

Classroom Sessions:

Self-paced Class: MI Sea Grant and Michigan State University Extension is offering an online program,  funded by the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program. Registration information can be found at https://bit.ly/paddlestewards.

Recorded Class


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